petek, 6. februar 2015

English Help! Present tenses - sedanjik

Pred nekaj dnevi sem se odločila, da bi na tem blogu delila tudi nekaj osnovnih pravil za tuje jezike. Poskusila bom biti čim bolj sistematična in razumljiva, zato bom začela  z angleščino in njenim sedanjikom. Navodila oziroma pravila bom dala v angleščini.

Present Simple
I eat
You (singular form) eat
He/she eatS
We eat
You (plural form) eat
They eat


  • Habits and routines/navade in rutine
    • I eat breakfast every morning.
    • He doesn't work in the evenings.

  • Facts/dejstva
    • Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius.

  • Generalisations/posplošitve
    • Many teenagers argue with their parents.

Present simple for FUTURE:

  • Timetables, schedules/urniki, vozni trdi, ipd.
    • The trains leaves TOMORROW at six o'clock.

Present Continuous
BE + glagol -ING

I AM eating
You ARE eating
He/she IS eating
We ARE eating
You ARE eating
They ARE eating


  • Things which are happening now/sedanje dogajanje
    • I am doing my homework now.

  • Temporary situations/začasne situacije
    • At the moment I am living in London.

  • Changing situations/spreminjajoče situacije
    • More people are becoming aware of global warming.

Present continuous for FUTURE:

  • Near future arangements/dogovori za bližnjo prihodnost
    • I am meeting with Tom tomorrow.

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